
The Emoji Obby



Assist the international grocery store chain Aldi reach gamers in their first ever gaming centric campaign. With the help of belgian Roblox-influencers reach the desired target audience.



Bring Aldi into gaming by creating a custom Aldi centric “obby” (obstacle course) in on of the most popular games in Belgium, Roblox. To promote the “obby”,  Frame was to scout & recruit Roblox- influencers that gamers in Belgium already love and trust.



Strategizing and building the “obby”was no small feat but it came together very nicely. Key campaign assets, the Aldi exclusive Emojis, were transferred to the game and functioned as collectibles for players to collect by completing the obby in its entirety.

Frame also managed to pinpoint and recruit 3 suitable influencers that engaged their followers to join them on the obby. This was a key element to reach out to gamers in Belgium. To maximize the campaigns spread each influencer uploaded short-form & long-form videos on Youtube & TikTok.

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